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About Us

Founded in 2015, we are a bible-based organization led by volunteers. We provide classes and fellowship events to enrich your home learning. Our goal is to have fun and build friendships while serving the Lord. We believe in homeschooling as family. It takes everyone working together to have a successful, low-cost program. 

A commitment in both attendance and participation is required. Parents must be willing to teach a class; however, you may not always be placed as a teacher.   



We have limited space for new families.  Applications are processed in order received and approved based on space availability, willingness to teach, and background check results.



What ages/grades may attend?

Classes offered for nursery through 12th grade; however, you must have at least one child in Kindergarten (age 5) or above to join.  


When & where? 

We meet on Thursdays at Creekside Church of Christ, 6113 Jack Finney Blvd, Greenville


Semester dates? 

Please make sure you are able to attend on class days because excessive absences and tardies may affect future enrollment eligibilty.

Fall 2024: Orientation 8/29.  Class Days: 9/5-11/14 (No class 10/3). End of Semester Fellowship: 11/21

Spring 2025 Schedule: TBD/pending church approval


Cost?   Membership, supply and class fees are non-refundableTo hold your spot, the $40 membership fee plus $5 per student supply fee must be paid two weeks after approval or by application deadline (whichever comes first).

  • $40 membership fee, paid each semester. 
  • $5 per student supply fee, paid each semester (charged for Nursery-12th grade) 
  • Class supply fee, paid one-time (not monthly). Several classes are free, but others charge a low fee. Science, cooking and art usually cost the most ($20-ish)  
  • $5 late application fee  (Charged when appyling after application deadline)


What's a typical class day like?

8:40 am - Doors Open

9:10 am - Assembly (announcements, prayer, pledge to American flag)

9:20 am - Classes Begin (three class periods lasting 50 minutes each)

12:00pm - Co-Op Ends 


Can we take just one class?

No. You must attend all three class periods.  


Can I attend only one semester?

Yes! Our semesters are independent of each other -- which means new classes each semester! 


What are the fees for?

Membership Fee - Majority pays for building rental, liability insurance, and the remainder goes toward administrative expenses such as website and background check fees.   

Student Fee - Used to purchase general supplies for your child's grade level  

Class Supply Fee -  Provides specific supplies the teacher needs for class

** Any remaining funds are used for fellowship events or other co-op related expenses


What's bible-based mean?

Knowing our members come from different religious backgrounds, we use the Bible to guide us. We believe God leads us as we homeschool together. We recognize parents as the primary educator of their own children (Proverbs 22:6); therefore we have the following teaching guidelines:  

  1. We do not allow discussion about specific denominations/religions. Exception: Allowed only for historical teaching purposes
  2. God means the person of the Christian Bible who exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible is considered God's infalliable Word.
  3. No controversial topics that could lead to discord.
  4. Marriage is between one man and one woman.


Where can I read full policies?  Click here


Can special need students attend?

Yes, but contact us before applying to know if we're able to fully accommodate. For mobility needs, the building is single story (no stairs).  


I'm busy on class days, but a friend attends co-op.  Can I send my child(ren) with them? 

Yes, but please discuss with us before applying.  Each family must pay their own membership fees. 





How do I apply?

Click here for application. New families are approved based on space availablity, class ideas/willingness to volunteer, and background check results. No payment required until application is approved. 


Can I see classes before applying?

Unfortunately, no. That's because we can't create the class schedule until families apply and offer class ideas. We're all taking a "leap of faith" that parents offer good classes (and they do!). 


When is class schedule posted?

About a week after application period ends. Class registration starts shortly after.   


Are classes academic? 

Our classes are considered fun electives that are meant to supplement your home learning. Occassionally, we offer classes worthy of course credit but do not issue grades.   


How many students per class?

We require five students for a class to "make" and not be cancelled.  Maximum class size is usually 10-12 students (depends on grade).      


Is there homework?

We try not to offer classes that require homework, but sometimes it's necessary in middle-high school grades.  




What if I don't want to teach?

Without all of us helping out, there would be no co-op. We also understand feeling reluctanct to teach especially if this is your first time. Talk to us and we'll try to find an area best suited for you.   


What can I teach? 

Almost anything! Think about your interests, experience, skills and talents.  Then, consider what grade level you would enjoy teaching. Many parents offer what they already planned to do with their child at home.  


Do I get paid to teach?

No, but you do earn a teaching credit for every class you lead teach. With two teaching credits, you'll be able to register a day earlier than everyone else (helps you enroll in popular classes before they fill).


What will I do while my child is in class?

One parent/guardian must stay on-site while classes are in session. When not teaching, you volunteer as a teacher helper, nursery worker, or floater.  Teacher helpers are needed for security reasons; plus, they fill-in if teacher is absent.  Floaters have no permanent assignment.  Instead, they show up at co-op and help out wherever they're needed most that day (fill-in helper, cleaner, etc)