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Rental Request

Thank you for considering to host our group.  Please take time to look at our website to view our policies, bylaws and more. If you want a reference, contact Jennifer Phifer at our current host church, Christ Community, 903-455-9199.

Below are details about our general needs and additional information. It outlines our current program.  We are flexible and can make adjustments such as changing to a new day/time, reducing headcount to use fewer rooms, etc. 


  • DAY/TIME: Classes are currently held on Fridays from 8:30am-1:00pm. This includes setup and cleanup time. We meet for a fall and spring semester. Each semester consists of 10 class days, plus orientation (11 days total). An optional bonus day is useful for a fellowship or makeup day.

    • Fall Semester: Orientation is held the week before Labor Day. Semester ends the week before Thanksgiving.

    • Spring Semester: Orientation is held mid-late January. Semester ends by the last week of April.

  • ROOM USAGE: During each class period, we use 8-10 classrooms. Three of those rooms are used for kindergarten and younger ages. We also use a large space for morning assembly. Bonus areas we appreciate having access to are: playground, gym, kitchen, and a small storage space for PE supplies and check-in box.




  • VISION STATEMENT   We homeschool as family to provide enrichment classes and fellowship while striving to honor, serve and follow God. (1 Corinthians 3:9)
  • HISTORY  In 2015, Trinity Co-Op was founded to serve the growing homeschool community. Ridgecrest Baptist Church hosted us from 2015-2017. Due to Ridgecrest undergoing major renovations, we moved to Christ Community Church in 2018.  
  • ATTENDANCE   During our years at Ridgecrest, we ran a successful program with nearly 200 students.  However, we now believe a smaller co-op allows us to better invest in families.  Our current spring 2024 headcount is 24 families with 89 students. Our self-imposed maximum headcount is 100 students.
  • CLASSES  Parents teach classes that are intended to supplement and enrich home learning. Recognizing our members come from different religious backgrounds, we use God's infalliable Word to guide classroom instruction (not a specific church/religious doctrine). 
  • FINANCIAL  We are a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. All members are unpaid volunteers. We strive to keep costs low.  Many of our classes are free, but some charge a supply fee.  Membership fees are paid each semester to cover building rental, liability insurance, and general supplies.  We can provide financial records, upon request. 
  • BUILDING USE & SAFETY COMMITMENT  The safety and care of our members and the building is a priority. We commit to:
    • Adhere to church requests.
    • Ensure the building is clean after use.
    • Maintain liability insurance. Families also sign a liability release form.
    • Perform background checks on all adult volunteers.
    • Provide two non-related adults in each classroom.
    • Assign hall and/or door monitors.
    • Ensure members wear nametags during co-op hours.
    • Lock exterior doors during co-op hours, if allowed.