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Class Idea Form - New Member

indicates a required answer



The two big things we look at when evaluating new applications is whether we have space and your willingness to teach/volunteer.  If you're unsure what to teach, this form is a great way to help us get to know you.  

Co-op is meant to be fun for both kids and parents.  Teach what you would enjoy!  Pick a favorite hobby, interest or skill and turn it into a class. We really are open to almost anything. If you have absolutely no idea what to teach, then tell us that and we'll work together to figure out the best place for you to serve.    

Note:  You earn a volunteer credit for each class you teach. Credits determine your time to register for classes. 

  • 2+ Credits - Register starting at 12am the day before open registration
  • 1 credit - Register starting at 6pm the day before open reigstration


1. *


2. *

Phone Number

3. *



Preferred method of contact

Text Phone Call
Email No preference

Nursery Workers:  If you want to be assigned to the nursery, select preferred period(s). First priority is given to parents with a nursery age child. 

I have a child in the nursery 1st period
2nd period 3rd period
No period preference

Maximum # of classes you are willing to teach

1 2

Are you willing to lead teach any of these classes?  Select all that apply 

Little Learners Preschool- Kinder (general learning class) PE 1st-4th
Wiggle Worms/PE Preschool-Kinder PE 5th-8th
Stories & Snack Preschool-Kinder Legos/Build It 1st-4th
Arts/Crafts 1st-4th Game Time 5th-8th (board games/social time)
Arts/Crafts 5th-8th Teen Time 9th-12th (board games/social time)
Arts/Crafts 9th-12th

Class Idea(s):   Share all your ideas!  The most important info we need to know is a general description, ideal grade level(s), and per student class fee (say free, if no cost).  We will contact you to confirm class ideas before posting the schedule.  Our grade levels are: 1st-4th, 5th-8th, 9th-12th.


Additional Info: Share anything else you want us to know!